52 | CapitaLand Limited Annual Report 2014
CapitaLand maintains an open, honest and consistent
approach when communicating with its shareholders,
investors, analysts and the media. It does this by providing
timely and accurate announcements through SG9NET
and its corporate website, as well as other communication
communication is its Shareholders’ Communication and
Investor Relations (IR) policy which is available via its
website at
The IR team maintains regular interaction with
shareholders through the Annual General Meeting
(AGM), media & analyst briemngs, face-to-face
meetings, teleconferences, non-deal roadshows (NDR),
investors’ conferences and site visits.
The Group Communications team engages the media
via formal announcements, media & analyst briemngs,
interviews with senior management and networking
activities. The team also works closely with the media to
promle the management, and corporate developments of
its various businesses, as well as its sustainability and
corporate social responsibility efforts.
In 2014, CapitaLand completed two major corporate
actions - the privatisation of CapitaMalls Asia
and the divestment of its stake in Australand.
To explain the transaction rationale and understand
investors’ feedback, the IR team, together with senior
management, conducted one-on-one meetings and
investor roadshows. Senior management also engaged
more than 230 retail investors in a dialogue session
organised by the Securities Investors Association
(Singapore) (SIAS). In conjunction with CapitaLand’s
anniversary in China and Ascott’s 30
a series of outreach events were held for the media
and the investment community.
Within just a year, CapitaLand conducted more than
750 meetings with investors, facilitated 12 site visits
for these investors, and also participated in NDRs
and conferences in Amsterdam, Boston, )ong Kong,
London, New York and San Francisco. CapitaLand also
conducted two CapitaLand Investors’ Day events in
August and November in Singapore, targeting debt and
equity investors respectively.
Aside from engaging investors, CapitaLand also
organised its well-received annual familiarisation trip to
China for analysts and media. Eleven analysts and mve
journalists benemtted from an ion-the-groundw insight
of the Group’s projects in Chengdu and Shanghai
including Rafnes City Chengdu, CapitaMall Tianfu,
The Botanica, CapitaMall Jinniu, Capital Tower Shanghai,
Rafnes City Changning and Lotus Mansion. During the
trip, the senior management and regional managers
further articulated the Group’s future growth strategies,
including its roadmap for China.
CapitaLand’s stakeholder communication efforts
have been recognised by the investment community,
as evidenced by the numerous awards received in the
year it was ranked 7
globally in IR Maga[ine’s Global
Top 50 companies for Investor Relations in 2014 and
Best Investor Relations in real estate at the IR Maga[ine
South East Asia Awards 2014. It was also presented
with the prestigious Golden Circle Award for the third
consecutive year and the Most Transparent Company
Award (Real Estate) for the 14
consecutive year at the
SIAS Investors’ Choice Awards 2014.
A mnal dividend of 8 cents was paid out for FY 2013,
translating into a 11.9% total shareholders’ return
Total Shareholders’ Return is demned as the total return of a share to an investor (capital gain plus dividend).
Corporate Governance & Transparency