Positioning for the Future | 09
and 7ietnam. In 2014, C)F donated more than
S$2.3 million. Our staff dedicated more than 28,000
volunteer hours in various volunteering activities in
Singapore and the region, over 55% increase from 2013.
Our 2
CapitaLand 7olunteer Day in Singapore held on
21 November 2014 was a continued success where 250
senior management and staff volunteers took time off
work to help refurbish children’s homes and residential
units of underprivileged families. CapitaLand 7olunteer
Day was extended to China in conjunction with our
anniversary in China, and saw over 3,000
participants helping and participating in an experiential
charity walk. Over RMB500,000 was donated by C)F
to help disadvantaged children in China.
CapitaLand takes a proactive approach towards
environmental, health and safety (E)S) management
to ensure that our properties are sustainable.
E)S key performance indicators are also incorporated
and linked to the remuneration of management and
staff. These coordinated efforts have resulted in the
achievement of 15 green ratings and three Universal
Design Mark Awards in 2014.
Green features promote energy and water efmciencies,
and improve indoor environmental quality and building
performance, which will translate into healthier and more
productive workplaces for our tenants. For instance,
CapitaGreen, a premium Grade A ofmce tower located in
Singapore’s Central Business District, features a striking
natural façade of living greenery and innovative technology
that draws in cool fresh air to ofmce noors. This 40-storey
ofmce tower, which obtained temporary occupation permit
in December 2014, has been awarded the prestigious
Green Mark Platinum Award, the highest accolade for
green building certimcation in Singapore.
In recognition of our effort in sustainability, CapitaLand
is one of the few Singapore developers to be conferred
and included in multiple international awards and
indices, including the Global 100 Most Sustainable
Corporations in the World, Sustainability Yearbook,
Dow +ones Sustainability World Index, one of the Asian
Leaders in Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark,
FTSE4Good, and the MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes.
CapitaLand aims to be a leader in upholding the highest
standards in corporate governance, transparency and
integrity. We were accorded the prestigious Golden
Circle Award for Overall Most Transparent Company and
the Most Transparent Company Award (Real Estate) by
the Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS).
The Board and the company will continue to work hard
to earn the long-term support of our stakeholders.
Mr Peter Seah, who has served with distinction on the
Board of CapitaLand for many years, will not be seeking
re-election as Director at the upcoming Annual General
Meeting. The Board and management have benemted
immensely from his wise counsel and deep insights.
We thank him for his invaluable contributions and wish
him well in all his endeavours.
We would like to extend our warmest welcome to
Dr Philip Nalliah Pillai and Mr Kee Teck Koon who joined
the Board as Independent Non-Executive Directors. Both
Dr Pillai and Mr Kee bring with them extensive experience
and sterling records of achievement, and we look forward
to their counsel and contributions in the years ahead.
We would also like to express our appreciation to
Mr Olivier Lim (former Deputy Group CEO) and
Mr Lim Beng Chee (former CMA CEO) for their many
years of dedicated service and contributions to
CapitaLand has built up a strong operating portfolio of
mve Rafnes City integrated developments, 86 operational
malls, 25,700 operational serviced residence units and
10 quality commercial buildings. This scale gives
us a strong base to grow our businesses without
compromising on recurring income. It also provides
informed perspectives on the emerging trends related to
our customers and tenants, driving us forward on how
we can adapt to the future.
We have a strong development pipeline of 50 projects
valued at about S$35 billion when completed over the
next few years, which will drive our next stage of growth.
Our commitment is mrm – we will continue to invest and
manage capital for our shareholders and capital partners
in quality assets that deliver healthy and sustainable
Again, on behalf of the Board and management, we wish
to express our deep appreciation to all our shareholders,
mnanciers, business partners, customers, associates and
staff for their strong support and commitment.
Ng Kee Choe
President & Group Chief Executive Ofmcer
27 February 2015